UX Salary Calculator

Interested in understanding the earning potential within the UX profession? Utilize our UX Salary Calculator below to gain insights on what you should be earning or paying based on industry standards.

See below

What is your role / level?

Senior Product Designer

Do you live in a high cost of living city?
(E.g. San Francisco, New York, Seattle)


How much does a Senior Product Designer make in a high cost of living city?

(E.g. San Francisco, New York, Seattle)

$140,000 - $190,000

Salary Range

Avg. Senior Product Designer Salary


Avg. Senior Product Designer Hourly



How much does a freelance Senior Product Designer make in a high cost of living city?

(E.g. San Francisco, New York, Seattle)

$70 - $185

/ hour


How much does a Senior Product Designer make in a standard cost of living city?

(E.g. Chicago, Austin, Denver, Boston, etc)

$120,000 - $172,800

Salary Range

Avg. Senior Product Designer Salary


Avg. Senior Product Designer Hourly



How much does a freelance Senior Product Designer make in a standard cost of living city?

(E.g. Chicago, Austin, Denver, Boston, etc)

$63 - $167

/ hour

Note that compensation will vary depending on experience. The following data represents a collection of third party data from Comprehensive.io, Level.fyi, Glassdoor.com and Payscale.com.

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